Neuro Stress

  • $ 92.00
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Composition: Yellow Valerian(Valeriana Officinalis)Passionflower(Passiflora incarnata), Tila(Tilia platyphyllos)Orange blossom(Citrus aurantium)Hops(Humulus lupulus)Lemon balm(Melissa officinalis).

Indications: Anxiety, stress, nervousness, depression, irritability, neurasthenia(physical condition characterized by exhaustion, fatigue, moderate depression, headaches, insomnia), migraine, insomnia, nervous palpitations, anguish, thoracic oppression, nervous colitis, cough, nervous asthma, menopausal disorders, urinary incontinence, skin problems due to nervous causes.

Action mechanisms: NEURO STRESS provides an excellent 100 natural relaxation, free of side effects, it is made with the best medicinal plants with proven efficacy in the treatment of general nervous disorders (Yellow Valerian, Tila, Hops, Orange Blossom), its assets exercise actiontranquilizer, sedative somnifera,They relieve nervous tension, produce a calming effect on the entire Central and Vegetative Nervous System, reducing nervousness. NEURO STRESS containsPassiflora, Melissa that give it properties antispasmodics, antidepressants, anxiolytics, which relax and balance emotions, providing a valuable help in anxiety, anxiety and depression. NEURO STRESS produces a balance in the Nervous System, regulates the sleep cycle(insomnia), is a valuable ally in the treatment of various diseases of nervous origin(gastritis, palpitations, insomnia, menopause, colitis, etc....

How to use:

Concentrated Extract:
Adults: 30 drops diluted in water, 3 times a daye
preference before food..
Children(1 to 3 years: 5 drops; 4 to 7 years: 10 drops; 8 to 12a 12
years: 15 drops; over 12 years: 20 diluted dropsdas
in water, 3 times a day preferably befores

Adults: Take 2 capsules 3 times a day preferablya
before food..
Children (over 10 years: Take 1 capsule 3 timess
a day preferably before meals.).

Adults: 2 tablespoons, 3 times a day ofe
preference before food..
Children (1 to 3 years: 1 coffee spoon; 4 to 7 years: 2: 2
coffee tablespoons; over 7 years: 1 1/2/2
tablespoon, 3 times a day preferably beforee
the food..

Chewable tablets:
Adults: 6 to 7 tablets every 3 hours.).
Children (1 to 4 years: 3 tablets; 5 to 10 years: 4 tablets;as;
(over 10 years: 5 tablets every 3 hours.s).

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Gabriela Estrada Piña
Todo muy bien Gracias 🤩

Excelente Servicio 😇 Gracias

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