Coffee Protec

  • $ 342.00
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Composition: Organic Coffee, Cocoa, Maitake (Grifolia frondosa), Shiitake (Lentinus edodes), Resveratrol, Grape Seed, Betaglucan, Lutein.

Indications: Physical and mental exhaustion, nervous depression, chronic fatigue, immune depression, cholesterol, prevention of degenerative diseases (cancer, arteriosclerosis, tumors), premature aging, periods of intense physical and mental work (students, athletes, etc.), decrease of drowsiness and fatigue (drivers, students), increased mental and visual acuity, macular degeneration.

Mechanism of action: COFFEE PROTEC is a product that allows you to enjoy the delicious flavor of the combination of two elements considered sources of energy and natural antioxidants (Coffee, Cocoa), highlighting in its composition flovonoids and polyphenols (Chlorogenic, caffeic acid, melanoidins). In vitro scientific studies have shown that these elements have valuable antioxidant action, highly beneficial against the action of free radicals, by neutralizing their effects, protecting the cellular mechanism from degenerative diseases and premature aging. To increase its protective properties, COFFEE PROTEC is added with Resveratrol, Grape Seed, Lutein, Betaglucan, Shiitake and Maitake, phytonutrients that due to their powerful antioxidant action, activator of the immune system, anticancer, provide great benefits to the body, reduce oxidative stress , protect the cardiovascular and cellular system, improve the visual field, increase vitality, strengthen the immune system, reduce the risk of developing degenerative diseases (cancer, tumors). COFFEE PROTEC is delicious, it is of great help to improve the quality of life and protect health and increase vitality and energy or before any activity that demands extra energy, mental alertness or reduction of drowsiness.

How to use: Add 2 teaspoons to a cup of water (hot or cold). Take 2 or 3 times a day.

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